ARROW is DIT's Institutional Repository.
It brings together all of the Institute's research under one roof; therefore providing easy access for students, researchers, and anyone who is interested in learning about what the latest research interests of the institute are.
To date, over 5,000 papers have been added to the repository, with 1,425,163 full-text downloads since ARROW opened its electronic doors. In the area of Art and Design there are over 30 papers including those on Interactive Arts, Game Design and Illustration.
In the area of Social Sciences the repository has papers on young people in residential care, and chapters from books written by Carmel Gallagher, Kevin Lalor and many other lecturers in the School of Social Science.
Whenever you have a chance make sure you browse through the repository, you may be surprised by the amount of excellent academic research that is being produced by the DIT.

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