Library Databases- what are they?

A library database is an electronic catalogue or index that contains information about published items. Most library databases index articles from journals/magazines, books, or newspapers.
Library databases provide citation information about the items they index. A citation usually consists of: Author, Title of article, Source (title of publication), Publisher, Date of Publication.
Most databases provide abstracts of the item they index. Abstracts are summaries provided by the author or database publisher. Some databases provide the full-text (entire article) of some of the items they index (examples in DIT are: Art Full-Text, Sage Criminology).
Library databases sometimes omit photos, graphs, charts, and figures from articles; but most will indicate that these have been omitted.
Most library databases index items from a specific academic discipline. To locate a database by subject go to Find an Art and Design Database or Find a Social Science Database.
Alternatively you can access all the databases available through DIT here*.
Check out our Quick Guides to Art and Design databases or Social Science databases.

*You will need to be a registered DIT student or staff memeber to access the databases. You will need to enter your Name, Student/ID number, and PIN to access the databases from outside DIT. If you have not already created a PIN you can do so here. Submit all your details and you will asked to confirm your new PIN.
If you already have a PIN but cannot remember it please contact the library issue desk, phone 01-4024108, or email the library

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