Another relevant report is "Protecting Our Future: Report of the Working Group on Elder Abuse." (2002) (Call No. 362.6). This is a foundation document that recommends official steps that should be taken when elder abuse is suspected.
The Health Service Executive's report "Elder Abuse Service Developments 2008" (Call No. 362.609417) outlines initiatives taken by the HSE to tackle elder abuse up to 2008.
Given recent newspaper reports of difficulties older people have experienced in accessing nursing home care under the Nursing Home Subvention Scheme, another report of topical interest is the "Review of the Nursing Home Subvention Scheme" by Eamonn O'Shea (Call No. 362.16). Originally published in 2002, it offers useful insights into the operation of the scheme and makes recommendations for improvement which have a very relevant current resonance.
Then there are the "National Quality Standards for Residential Care Settings for Older People in Ireland" (2009) set by the Health Information and Quality Authority which provide a useful source of information on the rights of older people in care environments.
The report "Implementation of the Home Care Package Scheme, Report No. 38." (2009) prepared by the National Economic and Social Forum (Call No. 362.6) assesses the efficacy of the delivery of the present Home Care Package Scheme and makes recommendation for future Home Care Package Policy.
Another report of relevance in this context is "The Role and Future of the Meals on Wheels Service for Older People in Ireland" (2008) by Ciara O'Dwyer and Virpi Timonen (Call No. 362.609417).
Finally a report that deals with the broader field of older people's equal participation in society - The report "Implementing Equality for Older People" (2002) produced by the Equality Authority (Call No. 301.435) addresses the current legal status of older people, equal access to employment for older people, the income of older people and their access to health and community services and education.
Mountjoy Square library not only has reports on the topic of care of older people but also books and journals. Just key in the words "older people" as a Keyword Search on the DIT Library Catalogue; make sure the book is located in Mountjoy Square Library; take a record of the call number and then call to the library to obtain it. If you need assistance any member of the Mountjoy Square library staff will be happy to help.